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YYC Eagles Logo

Our Philosophy

YYC Eagles is a competitive volleyball club seeking to develop high performance athletes who wish to compete at the highest levels provincially and nationally, and have their sights on post secondary, national team, or professional pursuits. Particular attention is given to long term athlete development with an emphasis on developing the proper and most relevant skills and techniques. Each team (age category) will develop together, creating an environment of “family” by promoting trust, communication, camaraderie, and support.

Our Athletes

Players are a member of a team. It is important that players conduct themselves in a manner that
promotes and benefits the team and represents the club in a positive and sportsmanship way,
respecting the rules, coaches, officials, and opposition at all times. Players are expected to attend all practices, tournaments and team building functions while bringing a strong work ethic, best effort, listening skills, and positive attitude. Players will be given instruction designed to promote their skills and techniques and to benefit themselves and the team.

YYC Eagles recognizes the Provincial laws regarding alcohol, drugs, smoking and vaping and does not allow any athlete under the legal age to consume or possess these substances. Consumption of these substances is counterproductive to young athlete development and violations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Our Guide for Parents

Parents are to encourage athletes to compete within the rules and resolve any conflicts appropriately and without hostility or violence. Parents are not to ridicule an athlete (yours or someone else’s) for making a mistake during a performance or practice.

Parents should encourage athletes to self-advocate, empower athletes to speak for themselves, make decisions and be independent.

Parents should provide positive encouragement to their athlete, encourage them to work hard, have a positive attitude, support their teammates/coaches, and to make the most out of every opportunity and experience.

Parents should provide positive comments that motivate and encourage participants’ continued effort. Respect the decisions and judgments of officials and encourage athletes to do the same. Never question an official’s or staff member’s judgment or honesty. Respect and show appreciation to all competitors, and to the coaches, officials, and other volunteers.

Parents should encourage proper nutrition and reinforce good sleep habits and recovery (injury
prevention). Practice sessions are closed to parents and spectators. Individual Head Coaches may allow open viewing for practices on a case-by-case basis.

Our Playing Time Philosophy

Playing time is specifically addressed based on age category, for example, from U13-U15 the club will follow developmental, substitution and fair play rules outlined by Volleyball Alberta when attending those events. Extra playtime or who plays at non sanctioned events is at the discretion of the coach and is meant to promote the competitive integrity of the team.


From U16-U18 substitution and fair play rules no longer apply, and playtime will be at the sole discretion of the coach.

Regardless of age category, everyone will receive an opportunity to compete; however, there is no
guarantee as to what, when, or how long each opportunity will be. Athletes are expected to make the most of every opportunity provided.

Many factors will influence game line-ups and substitutions (ex: the opposition, game plan,
athlete load, injuries, team chemistry, tournament schedule, etc.). Behavior and conduct issues may result in limited or revoked playing time. Coaches and athletes should have open communication about athlete roles prior to competition. Roles may change, and communication will be ongoing.

If athletes have concerns with their role or playing time, athletes should email the coach to ask to meet with the coaching staff outside of regular practices or games and outline their concerns.

Athlete, Parent, & Coach Meeting Guidelines

If a parent has a question or concern regarding their athlete’s role on the team or any other important topic, please encourage your athlete to raise the concern with their coach directly. Should families feel further conversation is warranted; after a 24-hour period the parent may also contact the coach through email requesting a meeting and outlining what they believe still needs to be addressed. Again, these meetings will take place outside of normal practice/game hours and with the athlete present.

Please note that coaches will inform the Director that a meeting is taking place. If the parties reach
agreement on a resolution at this meeting, there is no need for further action. The coaches will inform the Director that a resolution has been found. If a resolution is not found, the following steps may be taken. The parents may contact the Director through email requesting a meeting and outlining what they believe still needs to be addressed and how they would like to see the conflict resolved. A meeting will be set up with the Director and a Designated Conflict Resolution Manager. If a resolution is found, the Director and the Designated Conflict Resolution Manager will inform the coach of the outcome. If a resolution is not found, the Director and the Designated Conflict Resolution Manager will discuss with the coach and a resolution will be made.

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